You made a few excellent points there. I did a search on the subject and barely got any specific details on other sites, but then happy to be here, really, thanks.
"Aku merupakan seorang guru sekolah rendah di pendalaman Sarawak. Dari bandar Miri perjalanan ke sekolah mengambil masa 8 jam naik 4wd dan 20 minit naik perahu. Sekolah menggunakan elektrik dari generator, ketiadaan elektrik adalah perkara biasa. Line telefon tiada, kedai makan tiada.
"walau macam-mana pun aku tetap relak layan hari-hari berlalu"
4 x 5 = ??:
mane lu jumpe?
tv pendidikan?
You made a few excellent points there. I did a search on the subject and barely got any specific details on other sites, but then happy to be here, really, thanks.
- Lucas
layan bro!
lucas...did u do a research about malysia?
if u need infrmation..i can help u..
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